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English translation for "aluminum bronze"


Related Translations:
metallic bronze paper:  青铜纸
aluminum chlorohydrex:  丙氯铝是一种局部收敛药
aluminum dermatitis:  铝皮炎
magnesium aluminum:  镁铝合金铸件
aluminum citrate:  柠檬酸铝
aluminum post:  铝柱
aluminum screen:  铝幕
aluminum tanning:  铝鞣
aluminum zinc:  锌铝
Example Sentences:
1.Melting and casting characteristics of nickel aluminum bronze
2.Standard specification for aluminum bronze rod , bar , and shapes
3.Influences of alloying elements on the properties of nickel aluminum bronzes
4.Cavitation erosion and corrosion resistance of as - welded nickel aluminum bronze
5.Standard specification for aluminum bronze sheet , strip , and rolled bar
6.Aluminum bronze is used as a kind of coating material in some industrial fields
7.Plain bearing block housings are made up of cap , base , aluminum bronze bushing and installing bolts , which mainly bear radial load
滑动轴承座由上盖、底座、剖分轴瓦(铝青铜) ,安装螺栓组成,主要承受径向载荷。
8.They are very useful which can provide references for production of alloy . in this paper , sem and optical microscope and image tool are used to analyze the microstructure of aluminum bronze . constitution parameters are fixed under the definite technology processor
9.The error of the elongation is 2 . 3 % , by the multi - dimension linear regression model , the relative error are from ? 5 % to ? 15 % respectively . comparing the results , it can be found that the neural network overmatches the multi - dimension linear regression . so that , the model can be used in the production of the marine propeller aluminum bronze
计算结果表明,三项输出的预测值与实测数据接近,抗拉强度和屈服强度的相对误差在1的范围以内,延伸率的最大绝对误差为2 . 3 ,明显优于多元线性回归模型5 ? 15的误差,能较好地满足工程应用的要求,对高强度船用螺旋桨铝青铜的生产具有一定的指导意义。
10.The additives es12 and esm122 produced excellent self - compensation repairing effect and excellent bearing capacity in four end oils . the abrasion mass of the rubbing pairs was negative for 45 # steel 45 # steel and 45 # steel aluminum bronze lubricated by them in four end oils and excellent self - compensation repairing effect was aquired
以含es12和esm122的四种成品油润滑45 ~ #钢- 45 ~ #钢摩擦副和45 ~ #钢-锡青铜摩擦副时,摩擦副均为负磨损,产生了优异的自补偿修复效应,并使n32透平油的p 。
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